During periods of construction inactivity in 2020 and 2021, as the Covid–19 pandemic's impact continued, we began planning an evolution of the practice's structure, ambitions and ethos. Post Studio were engaged early in this process to assist in creating a visual manifestation of these gestating ideas.
While the process manifested most clearly in the renaming of the practice from Groarke Architects to Gró.Works, the new identity helped to mark an evolution and a refocusing of our practice methodology, project aspirations and long-term direction.
A practice name is often the first point of contact for clients, collaborators and colleagues with the company's way of working and sets a tone for how the practice wishes to be perceived. The 'Gró' moniker was chosen as a succinct and subtle amalgamation of partner's surnames while also obviously referring to growth – communcating an attitude of continuous learning, development and improvement.
'Works', with its conotations of fabrication, manufacture, and research and development was chosen as an identifier that is slightly unique to a typical architecture practice. Our methods of work involve testing and iterating, using self commisioned projects as laboratories for new typologies, materials and details which may then find more widespread application in later projects – much like the conceptual 'skunkworks' programs in aircraft industry and other advanced engineering fields.

Alongside the evolution of name and brand, Post Studio framed our thoughts in a system of visual components, such as a custom typeface, a versatile colour palette and a dot device that is used throughout our digitial and physical outputs. In their own words:
"We developed a simple typographic identity, opting to create a custom typeface that borrows characteristics from both geometric and grotesk forms. We also specified a series of embossings and textures within their printed matter to echo the craft and attention to detail they pride themselves on. Alongside the identity and guidelines, we designed and built a new website showcasing the practice's work in a cohesive, sophisticated manner."
Post Studio's work on the identity has been included amongst an initial selection for The 100 Archive's 2023 entries. The 100 Archive charts the past, present and future of Irish design by publishing 100 notable communication design projects, selected each year following an open call.
Physical applications of the identity, where tactile paper stock, embossings and functional bindings add an expression of materiality